Tips for Organising Your Wardrobe

May 31, 2023

Figuring out what to wear in the morning can be a struggle if your clothes are unorganised and cluttered. We have several tips to help you organise your wardrobe and make the process of getting ready in the morning much easier. If you often find yourself wasting time searching in your wardrobe for clothing, this article can help.

Clear out the clutter

To keep your wardrobe easy to manage, you need to regularly go through your clothing and remove items that you no longer wear or things that no longer fit your body. Every three to six months is a good amount of time to check your wardrobe and remove these items. These clothes can be donated to charity shops, or you can sell them to make some extra money. By clearing out things you don’t wear, you will make it much easier to find the clothing you want to wear in the mornings.

Organise by category

The easiest way to organise clothing is by category; group similar items together so you can find them easily. The categories you choose will depend on the clothing you own and the space in your wardrobe. If you have lots of clothing, more categories can be beneficial to make it easier to find things. For example, if you wear and own many different pairs of jeans, you may need to make categories based on the shape of the jeans. Grouping skinny fit jeans together in one section of your wardrobe and baggy jeans in another section. If you rarely wear jeans or only have a handful of pairs, this level of categorisation won’t be needed. You can just keep all of your jeans in one part of your wardrobe together. You may need to experiment with different categories to see what makes the most sense for your available space.

Separate seasonal items

There will be a certain amount of your clothing that you only wear in the winter or summer months. Keeping everything in the same wardrobe space can make things appear cluttered, and you’ll need to search through all your summer wear in the winter to find the top you want to wear. This can make things unnecessarily tricky when looking for your clothing unless you have a very large wardrobe. To streamline things and make it easier to find your clothing box up things you don’t need for the current season. For example, you may choose to box away your oversize chunky cardigan and any jumpers in the height of the summer. These can be stored away from your wardrobe in a safe place. You will then have more room to see the items you regularly wear day-to-day in the current season. When the seasons change, do this again, swapping over the things in your wardrobe for items that are suitable for the current weather. 

Install wardrobe lighting

Without the proper lighting, wardrobes can be dark, which makes it even more difficult to find your clothing, especially on those dark winter mornings. Installing lights to your wardrobe is a good way to make it easier to find your clothes. You can add simple push lights which use batteries or more fancy lights which illuminate when you open the doors of the wardrobe. Whatever you choose, make sure they give you enough lighting to be able to see your clothing clearly. This will help you quickly pick out an outfit for the day without needing to search through all of your clothes. Get more inspiration and ideas for wardrobe lighting.

In conclusion, organising your wardrobe can save you time and make getting ready in the morning much easier. By regularly clearing out clutter, categorising your clothing, and separating seasonal items, you can streamline the process of finding the clothes you need. Adding wardrobe lighting can also make a big difference in being able to see your clothes clearly. By implementing these tips, you can have a more functional and efficient wardrobe that makes your daily routine a little bit easier. There are also plenty of other ideas you can use to keep your wardrobe clean and tidy, do your research to discover the tips that work best for your wardrobe.